Archive for December 23rd, 2014

Remember The Big Stuff

Nice share actually. Thanks

Rebecca's Restitution Resource

This time of year always makes me take a step-back and evaluate the big things in life. We take time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and instead of getting grumpy and annoyed with one another, we are thankful for the things that we have and the people in our lives.

It’s so easy to forget the big picture and get caught up in details.

I heard a story this week of a young girl who came home from school upset because of the comments of her teacher. They were doing an assignment about goals and dreams, and she had written in her assignment that one of her goals was to play hockey for Team Canada someday. Her teacher marked this wrong, and explained to her that the difference between goals and dreams is that goals are things that can actually happen, whereas dreams are things that…

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Life is better in red

Pecandu Senja

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Streets of Nuremberg

Street | Urban | Travel | Photography by Marcus Puschmann