Archive for July, 2015

Sunday around St. George’s 5

Nice share and nice building. Thanks

Sunday around St. George's
Okay, that’s it for St. George, bet you’re relieved. These posts have been scheduled to post automatically, every few days, because I don’t get an internet connection all that often. By the time you read this post, we will probably have been in Venezuela a couple of weeks. Wish I could post things as they happen, but well, that’s life on a boat, I guess, the news will always be a little bit old by the time I can get it to you.
Sunday around St. George's
Sunday around St. George's
Sunday around St. George's
Sunday around St. George's

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Obama came

26 – 7 – 2015

Pagi. Sekarang subuh. Jam 4.48, udah pagi. Yuk yang belum solat subuh kita solat dulu. Jangan lupa cuci muka dan awalin hari dengan semangat. Kita ga tau bakal gimana ini untuk sekitar 12 jam kedepan hingga menjelang tidur malam nanti. Apakah akan seneng – seneng aja atau ada yang ga enak – gaenaknya. Apapun itu kita jalanin dengan dan sesuai yang kita ingin. Siapa tau ada seru – serunya iya engga ? Seru?. Seru yg kaya gimana nih? :D, yah siapa tau aja Presiden obama mampir ke rumah trus ngasih THR $$ hahaha. “Good morning, anybody home”, yah ada apa? Hah ada…. “Congratulation you receive 1 million dollar for gift from US Goverment” hah 1 juta dollar aaaaaaaaaaa. Ok lanjut. Mari awali hari minggu ini dengan kegiatan – kegiatan yang bermanfaat. Happy sunday-


24 – 7 – 2015

Malem semua. Tadi abis wawancara sama interviewer di salah satu lembaga pemerintah. Begitu sampe nunggu dulu sekitar beberapa menit gitu atau jam ga tau dah. Yang pasti abis jum’atan gw langsung ke tempat tersebut. Ga kerasa emang gw disana, karena gw juga sambil ngobrol2 sama admin disana. Seru gw ngobrol – ngobrol seru seputar fungsi dari lembaga, tujuan tantangan, dll. Jadi proses pelantikan, promosi, serta pembentukan panitia itu disana jadi segala laporan harus masuk baik pra, proses, dan pasca harus sampai disana. Klo gw atau kita sebentar mikirin rada gimana gitu, sekarang ka yg belon udah jaman teknologi berati bisa langsung by email y atau skype langsung video call atau dokumen bisa disave dikirim by sms atau bb wa, dll. Setelah gw nulis kalimat sebelum ini gw baru “ngeh” gw blom nanya laporan seperti apa yang harus sampe dilembaga ini dari lembaga2 pemerintah di daerah lain. Maksudnya tuh apakah hardfile seperti agenda acara, harian atau bahkan kertas – kertas ttd absen anggota pemilihan. Banyak juga y pertanyaan yg tiba2 dateng pas gw nulis nih artikel :D. Yg pasti klo gw dipanggil lagi  kesempatan ga akan di siasiain untuk nanya pertanyaan ini. Ok cukup dulu untuk malam ni panjang2 nya yang selanjutnya aja yah.

Tanda reblog di wordpress

Kamis, 23 – 7 – 2015

Tanda “reblog” di wordpress di ganti. Baru aja pengen ngereblog eh nyari kesana kemari mana itu tanda reblognya. Biasanya kan ada 3 tangda di bawah artikel. Ada tanda like ( jempol), tanda reblog (tanda panah), ama simbol posting. Pas mau nyari tanda reblog kok ga ada. Eh…. Ternyata udah ganti tanda, baru tau gw. Dan parahnya lagi itu bukan tanda reblog (tanda pNah) yang mirip persegi ngelingker gitu. Tapi itu tanda “visit this site”???????????????????. Reblognya mana jadi sekarang ga bisa reblog???? Ok. Buat lu2 pada yang mencitai update terbaru dari wordpress ini. Selamat menikmati original writing by ekalzzz. (Ada positifnya juga ya tanda reblog ga ada) h h h h T_T.

Travel theme: Land meets Water

The Long Road (Death Valley National Park)

Nice pict actually. It’s mountain. Thanks

The (Semi-Regular) Roaming Lama

Next week I’m heading to Las Vegas for my Mom and sister’s birthdays – it’s a family celebration and we are all looking forward to it. I arrive a few hours before everyone else so instead of hitting the casinos all by my lonesome I decided to rent a car and drive out to Death Valley National Park to take some pictures of the milky way. The 15th is the ‘new moon’ so on the 16th when I get there the sky should be dark and devoid of light pollution for the moon so I’m really looking forward to it.

My plan is to drive out to Badwater Basin and take some shots with octagons in the foreground (It’ll be hard to search in the dark – I’ll be less particular this time) with the Milky Way over top (and it is supposed to be in full view this time…

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Happiness is…

Nice shar and nice pict. Thanks


… running through a sprinkler on a hot summer day.

Sprinkler11507_Sprinkler_0011507_Sprinkler_0021507_Sprinkler_0031507_Sprinkler_004  1507_Sprinkler_0061507_Sprinkler_0081507_Sprinkler_005

Hope you’re all staying as cool as this kid!

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Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: More Than 5 Items

Nice pict. Thanks




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The man who planted a forest in Kerala

Nice share and nice pict. Thanks

Egyptian Meamar rice

Nice share and nice pict. Alternative to open fasting. Thanks 🙂

Chef in disguise

This month’s Arabic flavor assignment was to make an Egyptian classic. Meamar Rice.The exact translation of the name is loaded rice. The reason behind the name is that this rice is usually baked in the oven in a clay pot using milk and cream as the cooking liquid. The rice can also be “loaded” with meat or chicken. This started as a peasant dish, in which the farmer’s wife would place all the ingredients : rice, milk, cream, meat and spices in one pot, place it in the oven and forget about it which would give her time to attend to her daily chores. Gradually the recipe evolved to include  a sweet version that is loaded with sugar, nuts and dried fruits.

When prepared plain, Maamar rice is served as a side dish next to potato casseroles or other main dishes. When loaded with meat or chicken it is a stand…

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Life is better in red

Pecandu Senja

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Streets of Nuremberg

Street | Urban | Travel | Photography by Marcus Puschmann